Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Please sign Petition to Support Vulnerable Road Users Civil Ordinance in Pasadena

Petitioning City of Pasadena:

Adopt civil ordinance to protect Vulnerable Road Users

Pasadena Complete Streets  Petition by Pasadena Complete Streets, Pasadena, CA

Pedestrians, bicyclists, skateboarders, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable road users are disproportionately the victims of serious and even fatal collisions with vehicles. Too often, such vulnerable road users are also the subject of harassment by motorists who do not believe they should be on public roadways.

-  41% of all people killed in vehicle-involved collisions in the Los Angeles region are pedestrians, far above the national average of 11.4%.

- A growing number of cities across California and the United States have adopted such policies, including the Cities of Los Angeles, Berkeley, Sunnyvale, Austin (TX), St. Louis (MO) and the County of Sonoma.

A local ordinance should specifically prohibit the physical assault, injury, distraction, forcing off a street (including attempts) of vulnerable road users, and institute a suitable penalty, such as 3x actual damages or $1000, whichever is greater plus fees, plus possible "punitive damages" towards the offender.

By signing this petition, I am urging the City of Pasadena to adopt a civil ordinance to protect vulnerable road users.

For more information on the Pasadena Complete Streets Coalition, please visit

Also see this petition from LACBC calling for action against hit and runs in California: