Friday, May 9, 2014

Draft San Marino Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan and Important Meeting May 19th

The City of San Marino's  first draft Bike/Ped Master Plan is now available online here:
The draft includes proposals for buffered bike lanes, back-in angle parking for Huntington Drive, and even a road diet on Huntington. Most of them, however, do not make the "proposed" map. 

There was a very vocal contingent of Lorain Rd. residents who opposed even Class II bike lanes on a street where it would require no loss in parking or travel lane, so if you support this plan and live in San Marino it's important to go to this meeting.

Click this link to enlarge

 SM Transportation Commission Meeting May 19
The draft will be formally considered by the City's Traffic Commission on Monday May 19th (7pm). Support is needed, so please share. As always, it'll be particularly important that folks who live/work in the City show up to support the effort.  

Where:  San Marino Center on Huntington Dr., adjacent to the Crowell Public Library, 1890 Huntington Dr., San Marino 91108
When: Monday May 19th (7pm)

For more information, please check out local advocacy group, San Marino Rides!